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Late Jan arrivals -eggs yet?

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Hello. Our chicks arrived on the 23rd Jan and have great characters. Audrey PP is a clever girl, can leap up onto OHs shoulder, and knows when I've got treats hidden in my pocket :shock: , and Grace GNR who despite being in charge of their eglu is definitely 'a drum-stick short of a bbq' :doh: .

We are really enjoying being 'mad chicken people' (we've both got Omlet fleeces too), but I just wondered if anyone else who got their girls the same week has had eggs yet. Not that I'm getting impatient or anything! :lol:

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I just wondered if anyone else who got their girls the same week has had eggs yet. Not that I'm getting impatient or anything! :lol:


Oohhh it's hard to wait isn't it. When my girls arrived 2 years ago they all started laying a different times (as you can see from my signature). Fingers crossed for you. :pray:

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Our girls arrived on 21st January, and we're still waiting too.

I was just looking at the pics I took a few weeks ago, and they are all seem bigger now and also have developed much bigger combs.

Ernestina, who was always least keen on being picked up, has now started 'squatting' if i touch her, so hopefully it won't be much longer.

We're just enjoying our great new pets, I could spend hours I don't have just watching them!


Gary & Moira

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We got our 2 youngest omlet girls on 23rd Jan too! our PP has only just sprouted a decent size comb and is turning pink so not red yet. she's also not squatting yet. Our GNR still only has a tiny bump where her comb should be so she must have been very young when we got her. I'm not eggpecting :lol: eggs just yet as my other 2 older ladies who are laying have much brighter & bigger combs and they squatt for england!


Good luck - hope you get your eggies soon!


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Hello everyone.... I know, I'm just getting impatient !- OH has gone to work (works away on ships) and he wanted to be here for the first eggs. :boohoo: Congrats to Tortilla. Smeg, I think we were the delivery before you on the 23rd - Maybe our time will be soon?

PP Audrey had a red face tonight when I put them to bed! :?

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I'm still waiting for one of mine who I bought on November 5th to start laying :roll: She has started crouching this week so I shouldn't have to wait much longer!

Indeed I didn't have long to wait :dance: I went out to collect eggs and found her in the nest box. I waited impatiently and eventually she laid her first egg :dance:


All ten big girls are laying now :dance:

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Yeehah - first egg yesterday and second today, and Name (yes, that's the name my youngest son chose) only started really squatting the day before. The first was 49 grams, and was beaten and fried into an 'egg pancake' - easy to share that way. Tonight we'll all have a quarter of a boiled egg. Yum. Will be weeks before I can bear to give any away though.


Hope everyone else's chickens are doing well. Mone have developed a sweet but slightly annoying habit of coming into the utility area inside the back door if I'm inside. Only a matter of time until we have a poo in the house ...



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Yeehah - first egg yesterday and second today, and Name (yes, that's the name my youngest son chose) only started really squatting the day before. The first was 49 grams, and was beaten and fried into an 'egg pancake' - easy to share that way. Tonight we'll all have a quarter of a boiled egg. Yum. Will be weeks before I can bear to give any away though.


Hope everyone else's chickens are doing well. Mine have developed a sweet but slightly annoying habit of coming into the utility area inside the back door if I'm inside. Only a matter of time until we have a poo in the house ...



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Well done Fi and pooh corner. Isn't it great! :lol::clap: And aren't they clever, we all got eggs within days of each other. Perhaps we should've set the challenge earlier to spur them on.


Good old henrietta has laid every day since 1st March. Mildred joined in this past sunday and today we had 3 eggs!! (We don't know who is responsible for the third yet :think: ) Although the third one was in the run, right at the back. DH fished it out with a broom - most undignified for such a momentous occasion. Hope she learns where they're supposed to go soon. :lol:

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I do find it surprising that they know just where to lay - our 3 eggs (1 a day) have all been in the nest box. Up to a massive 52 grams today. Biggest current problem with the chickens is keeping them outside - they're in the back door the first chance they get!


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Hens in the utility room? Soon you'll be finding eggs in your white goods soon. I'm really :mrgreen: our garden isn't directly attached to the house ..... if it was I'd have the girls in to watch the TV I expect. They are so addictive. Audrey PP is a naughty girl - she ate straw from the nest box and had a swollen crop and then yesterday had two 'softies' (no eggs today). They are causing me mega stress these two birds :lol:

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I'm glad there's someone else with just 2 chooks - I haven't done my signature yet but ours are a gingernut ranger and basically a near-white version of it. Same curiosity and friendliness. And not one brain between them! They are good buddies most of the time though.

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