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Notification of Addiction :)

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I would like to make an announcement..... (clears throat, coughs )


I am now officially addicted to chickens !!!!!! 8)


My main symptom is that as soon as I saw a second hand cube in Kernow, I knew we had to have it for our girls....it will solve all our chook problems, oh and we could get some more, keeping the eglu for introductions, separations, we would have eggs to sell, helping to cover the food bills, it will be easier to clean, wouldnt need a built in run (yet :lol: ) we could put more branches or logs on for them to play on........... you get the picture.


I spend time just watching them and they look so cute with purple and brown splodges all over them. Will they ever stop pecking each other, whilst Primrose always gets the worst of it she certainly has a go at the others :wall: . I have to watch to see


only problem is OH not sure as chickens are MiL project really although shes fed up with them at the moment.


Just thought you should know :wink:

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