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Yellow pooh!

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ours have had yellow pooh, there is something about it in the guide or the forum I read it a while ago. not an expert though only had ours for 2 weeks and i dont know which one of the three is doing it, however they are all fine and have stayed the same very lively and eating and drinking. I'm sure it said something like its before they start to lay that they do strange poos, so I didnt worry about it.


i'm sure someone will tell you though, they are all very helpful on here!

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They tend to be a bit squittery straight after a move.


I'd keep them just on pellets and fresh water changed daily for a few days, and avoind any treats till normal service has been resumed. As Barbara says, every 10th or so poo is a chip shop curry sauce poo and is perfectly normal.


Adding bokashi bran to the pellets will help as the micro-oganisms have a beneficial effect, as will adding Avipro ( a probiotic supplement) to the water.

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