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profile difficulty

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i was told you have to join flickr or photobucket but i am not sure weather i want more progs on my laptop, someone will be along soon who can advise you soon im sure :D


You don't need to add programs to your computer to use Flickr and Photobucket. You just need to register with them to use them. www.photobucket.com - there should be instructions on how to register then you simply copy links to photos you've uploaded to your Photobucket account and paste them when you want to use them on the forum :D .

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i know what u are saying but

when i click on my profile where the picture

should be it has a cross and says "default avatar"

it wont let me do anything with it! :cry:

its not ergent i just would like to have a pic

thank u for all ur requests though x :wink:

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Ooh I wouldn't give anyone your password, even though we are a friendly lot on here you don't want no one messing with your account. PM stands for Private Message, a bit like e-mail on here. I not sure how to do it but it's done through the settings section. Someone techy will be a long in a mo I'm sure. Don't worry you'll get it sorted soon. :D

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Sophie, I'm going to send you a PM (private message) to give you my email address so that you can send me a picture to upload for you. A private message is just like an email which only you can see and if you reply, only I can see the message.


You don't have to give any passwords etc to me because I can upload an avatar for you using the admin panel as Omlet have given me admin access. Look out for my message arriving. You should see that it says "You have 1 new message" at the top of the page. When you see that, click it and you'll see a message entitled "Picture" in your inbox. Click it to open it :D

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