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First eggs set

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Good luck!

What breeds are your eggs from?

We started 4 years ago with a home made incubator and hatched 5 chicks. It was such a fantastic experience, we had to do it again the next year!

I found maintaining the temperature and managing the humidity, especially at hatching time to be the hardest bits. Out of interest, how are you planning to do this?

Keep us posted on what happens!

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I have an assortment of breeds:

2 silkies

3 vorwerks

1 buff orpington

1 brahma bantam

1 jasmine

1 leghorn bantam

3 not known


these were mainly what my local farm had that day.


I am constantly checking temp & humidity so dont know what ill be like when it comes to hatching time but our incubator is thermostatically controlled and we have vents on the top which help to regulate the humidity so it will be a huge learning curve but im so excited about seeing them when they hatch.

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