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DD has talked non stop about the eggs that have hatched in an incubator at school. We have heard little else. She now tells me they are looking for homes and have been sexed. Not sure of what breed they are. DD is begging to have some of them . . . . and I do have a spare eglu. However I do already have fourteen hens, six too many according to OH!!


What to do?


How long do they need to be kept warm for? When can they go outside?

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I keep mine in the utility room and wean them off heat by 3 weeks, they then go out to a run within the garage and sleep in an eglu. The run is closed on 3 sides and open with mesh on one side so the big girls can see them. They get a wee bit of a through draft but are mostly sheltered.

They're probably a 'gingernut' type sex-linked breed that can be sexed at hatch.

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