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capacity of eglu + run extension

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One of our flock of four died last night, we have sent her off to be post -mortemed. She was a single addition to a flock of three (they all ex-batts) and she never really settled with them or thrived as such- she never had any lustre to her feathers and was usually quite grumpy. But we loved her! So for all these reasons I would never introduce a single chicken again but have only got standard Eglu, albeit with run extension, and they are free-range. Could I get another 2, and increase the flock to 5?

Thanks for reading.

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It all depends on how long they spend free ranging, but then you have to allow for those days when you're out all day and they need to be in the run for the day.


I always recommend 3 hens without the extension and 4 hens maximum with it.


If you need to leave them in the run for a while, then hang up a cabbage for them to play with.

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