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Hello! :D


This is a picture of the bottom of my garden.




We would like a wooden hen house and a run down here to house 3 chickens (LF). What I can't decide upon however is whether to have an integral house and run (house off the floor) all covered with onduline and being about 5 foot high. Or whether to have the house (still on legs) and just a 'pen' down their with a 4 foot fence and have it all open. The area we are talking about is about 5 x 8 feet.


What do you think? :think:


Half of the space is a concrete path and the rest bare-ish grass. Would gravel with straw on top work, or would it be awful wet? Chickens would have under the house for shelter but would that be enough during the winter?


So, should I have a pen or full-on house and enclosed run?


PLEASE help me decide! :pray:


Lou x


PS - Chickens will be able to free range for some of the day.

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I'd go with a walk in run :dance:

(Should be getting my one built soon hopefully, by my dad)

There is a sticky on run inspiration here that might help you make your own mind up, as well as here


I see the benefits of an enclosed walk in run are

Fox proof

Rat Proof (If build on slabs or concrete base)

No escapees

Defra approved if it has unduline roof topping

therefore less nasties past on from wild birds

dry area for hemcore/aubiose bedding

No swamp-like conditions in winter either!!!

No damage to your lawn or flower beds from your girls 'gardening'


Good luck with your decision and welcome to the forum!!!


There are two popular places for pre built WIRuns

Flyte so fancy


or you could make your own

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Definitely a covered walkin run, and unless you are under 5ft, make it higher. I made the mistake of letting dad ( my walkin run builder) talk me into a 5ft high run as '6ft would use too much wood', I'm 5ft2'' and get neck ache every time I go into it :roll:

We are now in the process of building a 2nd walkin run and this one IS going to be 6ft high!!

Having it covered gives you peace of mind over predators and wild birds, also if it stays dry it doesn't smell - my roof leaked during the heavy rain last year and it stank until it dried out ! Also must be nicer for the chooks to have dry feet. :)

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