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Moving with chickens

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Hi all


We're moving at the end of next week and need to move the chickens as well.


We would've liked to have doneit in the evening but can't due to the tiems we have the van, so what we're going to do it next friday morning. This is our plan so far.


1) get the chickens from thecube and run into one of these http://www.argos.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Search?storeId=10001&catalogId=1500001501&langId=-1&searchTerms=pet+cages any idea on sizes would help for 7 hybrids! at about 8am

2) remove run from eglu and but eglu and run in the van

3) carry on packing the van and then at midday put chickens in cage in the back of my dad's car (he doesn't know yet!) with a blanket over to keep them calm

4) drive the 80 or 90 mins to the new house, set up cube and run in safe secure area and then let the chickens in.


Any commends would be welcome.


I'm thinking if we shout the eglu door on Thursday night and then in the morning put their food in the cage and the cage door right up againt the run door and open the eglu (in theory) they should go straight into the cage. then shut the cage door and keep them in the cage, I'll also put a box with straw in so they can lay. Most of our chickens will be fine with this, but there's two we've never been able to touch let alone pick up so am hoping this will be the best way to so it and if they need coaxsing from the back of the run we can unclip the top and shoo them in without letting the others out or stressing them too much.





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DA is right, a dark box with air holes is all you need. Hens are better off in the dark (they don't panic then) and packed quite tightly so that they don't keep falling over. Ensure good air circulation though.


Where are you moving to?


I have a pet crate if you need to borrow one, but cardboard boxes really are best.

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Thanks for the replies, we're going to put a blanket over the cage to keep it dark, but the main reason for using the cage is because the time they'll be in it is likely to be around 5 hours so didn't want them in boxes for that long, also a couple are quite hard to get our hand on!


We're moving to Rutland Water.




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