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Help please - I'm not sure what's wrong with them

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I have had a spot of scaley leg in my 5 hybrids so today I did what the doctor ordered and dipped their legs in surgical spirit and rubbed in vaseline. I also gave them a dusting of red mite powder while I had them trapped.


That was an hour ago and now three of them are hunched in the coop, sitting down looking puffed up and listless, their eyes keep closing.


I'm not sure what to do - any advice welcome!!! It could be that their little legs are stinging, they would be, but as I have read about this traetment loads I thought it would be fine. I've done it before and not had anything like this. They are all looking really sorry for themselves.


Has this happened to anyone else and what did you do?


Thanks in advance.



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Their reaction sounds a bit odd to me as that sort of treatment is commonplace.


The surgical spirit treatment is sometimes effective, but the easiest and least stressful for the chooks is to treat them with a dose of Xeno200 and then spray their legs with Johnson's Anti-Mite Spray *these products are not licenced for use on poultry in the UK but are recommended by most vets*


I have found this to be very effective but be aware that there is an egg withdrawal period associated with both the products. The Xeno200 can also be used as a preventative; there are loads of lice around at the moment, so it's best to tope them up every 3 months.


My guess is that they are just a tad traumatised, so keep an eye on them, make sure that they eat and drink and let us know how you get on.


My chooks hate this wind and all look like that at the moment!

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