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Fashion for cats!

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That's a really cruel thing to do to cats.


If we had a hearing as sharp as a cat that would be the equivalent of us wearing a huge cow's bell hanging around our necks.


Cats, as predators, are 'designed' to be silent and chase small rodents, birds etc. To try and stop their natural instinct is against nature and harmful to their senses.


...although I don't enjoy opening the door to a bundle of creature's guts :vom:


...plus we've got pet lovebirds, rats and a sweet wee mouse - and two cats! The only thing is to keep the felines at bay when the birds and rodents are out and about.

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I agree! I didn't realise how big these bells were. :shock: I therefore haven't ordered one. I only thought it was a dinky ting a ling cat bell. I wouldn't put her through a clang a lang. Poor love will be frightened enough living in a big new house, instead of a horses tack room.

So I shall be spending my money on something else for her instead.

Let's keep these for keyrings or to hang on Xmas trees! Much better.



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