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Mrs Kettle


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I agree,going on experience of other animals ive had when they are in the poo after worming it is a good sign as they are dead/dying and are coming away from the animal.


Im assuming it would be the same no matter what animal it is.

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That's good to know - thanks for replies. They are in a walk-in run for part of the time, tho' spend a lot of time free-ranging when I work from home. But egg-production is down (1 a day from 4 girls) although none seem under the weather.


I'll monitor and re-treat if necessary.

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I'm not sure if you use Stalosan F or not? I use it liberally in my girls' run when I do a clean out every 6 weeks or so.


Stalosan F Disinfectant powder is a very effective, and DEFRA recommended, dry disinfectant powder for use in the poultry house. Broad spectrum, destroys worm eggs, coccidial occysts, fly eggs and larvae. Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral. Highly absorbant and will help to reduce the ammonia smell created by the chicken's droppings.

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Not too sure re chickens as yet but with the horses poo picking(my favourite past time) usually is the best way to keep worm burden down in horses (as well as worming) so perhaps best to keep picking up the poos every day to stop reinfestation?? But not sure with chickens to be truthful?

At least it sounds like thats the problem :)

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