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new house with stream

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We're moving to a new rented house this week that has a stream in the garden can we get ducks and put them in or do we still need to get a house for them. or could we jsut get sometinhg like this http://www.forshamcottagearks.com/ControlFiles/Graphics/Products/Mallard/Mallard.jpg

so they're still pretty wild but we're looking after them at the same time.


To be honest, no really seen the stream although MIL has a had a look and said that at the back of the garden there's an archway and steps down to the stream. is it possible theres' already ducks on it and we can just encourage them to hang out in our garden with food and treats!?!!





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How lovely....we have a tiny trickle of a stream at the back of our garden...more like a ditch in reality....I'd love ducks....indian runner ducks.......but unfortunately I think our neighbours have enough with us and our chickens :-)



best of luck ... :-)

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Went to the house yesterday and introduced ourselves to the neighbour, we said about the chickens and he asked if the hosue was fox proof as the owner of the house we're renting had some ducks and they all got killed by a fox!


Not a good sign, any good fox proof housing suggestions?



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