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My Chicken flock is now complete Photo's and question ?

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We bought a trio of Pekins and a single light sussex bantam. The Pekins just ignore the single girl, and she goes to bed after they are asleep. They dont stop her getting food or water and there is no sign of pecking. they did chase her away from a treat today, we felt sorry for her and decided to get her a friend to bond with then re-introduce them to flock.

We phoned around breaders last night for a bantam pullet. We managed to get two beautiful pullets however they are only 8 weeks so we are keeping them in a dog crate with a box to sleep in as they are to young to keep with a 30 week old cockerel. I would like to remove the lone girl thats 18 weeks old from her current home and put her with the chicks to bond with them but how old should the chicks be b4 i introduce her.


Here are pictures of are newgirls;






Pam Cake




Pam cake again


Lonely girl called Florrie


Big bullies


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We managed to get two beautiful pullets however they are only 8 weeks so we are keeping them in a dog crate with a box to sleep in as they are to young to keep with a 30 week old cockerel. I would like to remove the lone girl thats 18 weeks old from her current home and put her with the chicks to bond with them but how old should the chicks be b4 i introduce her.


They need to be around 22 weeks and big enough to stand up for themselves really.


If you put her in with them now, she will attack them. :(.


However you do it, either leaving her where she is, or putting her with the other girls when they are old enough, inevitably there will be some squabbles.


Article re intros **here** and **here**


The fact that you have a cockerel will help when you come to allow them all to free range together....he will sort out any stroppiness.

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Good guess, but no. I got my little chicks from a breader near twycross, Lovely guy. I got to see the parents of both chicks.

My buff pekin's farther is a frizzle and the mother wasn't, it will be interesting to see any of the frizzle comes out in her.

My older Pekins, and sussex bantam are from the domestic fowl trust near Eversam andm y large ladies from a breeder near Halesowen. We are spoilt living here really aren't we. Are yours from Ash End house farm ? We where there in march for my youngest sons 2nd birthday.

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Are yours from Ash End house farm ? We where there in march for my youngest sons 2nd birthday.

My first trio of Belgian Quail Bantams were, and then Babs was from Ash End.

I saw your photos in the link in your sig and recognised the farm so thought you'd got them from there.


I used to work there and I really miss it! Its changed loads in the last year, and they've gone from just the pure/rare breeds with a few Light Sussex up to pens of Hybrids and selling coops.

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Theres a picture here in the gallery with the 2 of the girls next to Babs, they look really small :lol: .

The proper name for them is Barbu D'anvers, and there were some Barbu D'uccles which are just a different colour.


We never got an egg from them, and Rooster (original name :wink: ) went back to the farm after a few days because Dad didn't want to upset the neighbours even though he was really quiet.


They were really tame, but one of the Belgian Quail cockerels at the farm is really aggressive and runs at you and stamps on your legs and scratches with his feet, so he can't free range because of all the children running around - little man syndrome :lol:

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