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She might have sprained herself. Ex batts muscles are very weak and their bones aren't too strong either, so I'd give her some extra calcium, either a soluble supplement such as Zolcal D or some limestone flour wit a dollop of cod liver oil in her pellets.


Arnica pillules from the health food shop 30c 3 or 4 times a day may help with any bruising.


I'd examine her carefully for any obvious signs of fracture, deformity, grating sensation etc.


Swelling and bruising could indicate either a fracture or a soft tissue injury.


Hopefully it is just a minor injury and she should perk up in a few days. If it worsens, and she is reluctant to weight bear, a trip to the vets might be on the cards.

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Janty has looked at Janty's leg and there doesn't seem to be much wrong.




The problem seems to be with the muscle rather than the foot itself as I said so following Egluntine's advice would be good. if you need anything for that, give me a shout.



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