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Getting chickens, are we doing to right thing?

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You can think too much about what might happen :wink: It's a joy, hen keeping, and most of the time all goes brilliantly.


I'd say go for it and enjoy! The relaxation they bring is fantastic! :D:D:D


Buffie x


Unless you get stubborn hens that just won't come into lay even after you've had them nearly 5 weeks - but I'm not bitter :liar::lol::lol::lol: They're great, enjoy!

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The first day I got mine, I must admit I was not keen - but that soon wore off and I would not be without them, even though the neighbours to my left are not keen; I have solved this by keeping the door shut at night. Until you get them, I don't think you realise how wonderful they are - even my mum who was very 'anti' buys them little presents now......

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HI, I think you must think very carefully before getting any pet. My girls have become extremely noisy. I have had them since last August and no problem before a week or so ago. I think it is just the light early mornings and have now been covering them up with a dark green ground sheet at night, but still they start to bokkk bokkk very early, I am very aware of upsetting my neighbours. Also I had lost all my grass when I was free ranging them all day every day. We have now made an enclosure around their Cube. My grass is very slowly recovering and I will let them on it again for short, supervised periods later on. But I think anyone must think hard before getting them.


(cube green)GNRPP

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Seraphine, I don't know where in London you are based but there are loads of chicken-keepers around and about. You're welcome to come and see my girls if you're anywhere on the Central Line, but if you go to 'visit an Eglu' you'll find many others in London.


As others have said, people tend to post on here when they have problems. I've had my original Omlet girls for two years without any health issues. I too worried a lot when I first got them, there seem to be so many things that might go wrong. Then I reflected - I've owned cats all my life, and can't imagine ever being without one. But over the years I have had to deal with road accidents, bronchitis, feline leukaemia, kidney failure, dental problems, abscesses, fighting, fits ... there are lots of things that can go wrong with cats, but I've taken them all in my stride and my current feline companion is a healthy, troublefree ten-year old chap. I don't lie awake wondering if he's going to get ill, and once you've got your chickens you will learn what is normal for them, and be able to relax and enjoy them.


Do arrange a visit if you're worried about noise - I know there have been some people on here who've had problems, but I honestly believe they are the exception, not the rule.

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My 2 girls arrive tomorrow, and I havent slept for days, inbetween working i am spending all my time here and think I have learnt so much. ( we will see )

2 questions please, during the week I leave the house at 6.30, so will have to open up the Iglu around 5.45, but at weekend would like to lay in to 7.30 will they notice the time difference!!!!!


During the week, I get my girls up at about 6.30, on the weekend it can be any time between 7 and 8.30. I don't think it bothers them, so I wouldn't worry.


Although I am considering leaving my cube door open at nights.

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Thanks for all your replies. As ever they are amazingly helpful :) We desperately want chickens and it is something we've been considering for a few years now, so not anything we're rushing into.


The main aspect of concern for me is the potential noise. And I realise that this isn't anything which can be planned for or guaranteed. I'll just have to hope for quiet-ish ones and we're prepared with dark tarpaulin for over the Eglu to try and keep them quiet until a reasonable time, and my H is more than happy to invest in a water pistol for controlling their outbursts - big kid that he is!


We're all still soooo excited :D Only 17 sleeps to go!

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