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rabbit eglu for chickens?

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I have been offered a rabbit eglu by a friend, as I am interested in keeping some chickens, but I am not sure what the differences are between the two and whether it will be suitable. I am not sure if it is a mark I or II (you have to lift the body off to remove the droppings tray, if that helps).


Also, can anyone recommend somewhere to buy chickens in Surrey?



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The base for a rabbit eglu is different to a chicken one. So you will need to buy a new base for it from Omlet. I think they only do this with Mark 2's as they don't produce Mark 1's anymore. But you'd have to phone them up for more details.


The Mark 1's only come in Yellow, Green, Red and blue.

But if it's one of the later colours, say, pink, purple, orange or brown it will definitely be a Mark 2. Saying that there are a few mark2 yellow eglus but they are very, very uncommon.


Also underneath the droppings tray there is a mesh base on the Mark 1's and on the Mark 2's it's a solid plastic base.


And the little eggport door is a different shape on the Mark 2's.

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