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AM I just asking for trouble- very bullied hen adoption?

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I've had my girls for a month now, and they've settled really well after the first fortnights newbie nerves ( mine and theirs).

We've moved them into a WIR, for my benefit as much as theirs...my shoulder was too painful for all the crouched knee reaching! They are fairly settled, no eggs yet, but don't expect any....

I was talking to the lady I bought the chickens from , a back garden breeder and a Mum at school, her son was in my class last year, and she was telling me about her sad news, after I relayed mine about our Sussex being eaten. One of her Legbar pullets flew out of its pen,( she wasn't sure how,,they are fairly tall pens) into the neighbouring one, which is full of Buff Orpingtons, I think she said. Well, to try to cut this ramble short (!) it was pecked darn near bald and is a bit unwell..not doing too good. If it survives, should I offer it a home?

I can section of a part of the WIR, under the staging, about a meter long....and it could be in their to recover and for the intro period...am I just asking for trouble? I was thinking that, as it cam from the same brood as my Gertie Legbar, it would be ok with her, being a bit smaller, so I had 2 larger birds, and 2 smaller....or I am I just being stupid and soft hearted., I know she wasn't hinting....I just feel so sorry for this legbar...Advice from the wonderful Omleteers please,

and be blunt..I'm tough...just not when it comes to lame ducks ( or legbars)! :roll: Sari x x

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I would think if you could dedicate some time to rehabilitating her (I'm assuming she might be quite stressed after that experience) then I'd probably offer her a home too.


What you are planning sounds fine to me but then I know nothing. :lol:


It is always a risk adding new hens without quarantining them but as you got others from her I would have thought the risk would be reduced :?:


Is this what others refer to as the chicken of fate???

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If it is ill, I wouldn't risk taking it on unless you can keep it completely separate for a week or two. It would be such a shame if it introduced an illness to your flock, especially after your recent loss.


Can you borrow a dog crate, or similar to use as a temporary sick bay?


Personally I wouldn't introduce it to the others until it has recovered.

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