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On Sunday we had our first egg but it was soft shelled and broken, then nothing until yesterday when we had another and all was fine. Got up this morning and yet another - fully formed but soft shell.


Do I need to buy some special stuff to make the shells hard or does anyone think it's just them getting into the swing of things???


We have three chickens - don't know which one it is that's producing at the moment but also seem to be laying anywhere other than in the nesting box. Should I put a plastic egg in there to give them a hint, or might that turn them broody????


Any advice much welcomed please.

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One of our girls produced soft shelled eggs for a while when she started laying, but it stopped after a couple of weeks or so, and hasn't happened since. There are things you can buy to add to their water if the problem persists, but in my experience it might sort itself out.

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Sorry Debra....I seem to have missed this posting somehow! You can buy a product called Shellstim, that clears up soft eggs pretty quick, but you can only buy it in quite large quantities, and a little of it goes a long way, so I would recommend feeding your chickens baked egg shells. Save the shells of any eggs you use, then put them on a baking tray at the bottom of the oven whilst you are cooking, then crush them up and mix them in with the feed - gives the chickens a little bit extra calcium and should help clear up the problem! :)

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