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Does anyone elses dog enjoy eating the chiccken poo. When we open the eggport or the run the dogs are there hoovering up around us. They enjoy it as much as horse poo on walks which we anticipate and discourage.


Difficult to avoid with the chickens who free range. Certainly keeps the garden clear, but will it do them any harm :?:



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Does anyone elses dog enjoy eating the chiccken poo. When we open the eggport or the run the dogs are there hoovering up around us. They enjoy it as much as horse poo on walks which we anticipate and discourage.


Difficult to avoid with the chickens who free range. Certainly keeps the garden clear, but will it do them any harm :?:




Could it give them worms do you think?

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Sometimes my chickens seem very keen to eat their poo - I remember a thread about that, but I'm not sure we came to any conclusions about the reason! :shock:

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