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No, not referring to piglet tissues.........

Went out with some friends last night and think I might be persuading them to get and eglu - whoo hoo!!!! She's thinking of bantams - any ideas / recommendations?

The only problem was I lent her my omlet brochure, chicken encylopedea and they didnt leave until about 2am as she was so engrossed. yawn.......

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I have got three Bantams and throughly recomend them.

Blossom my Light Sussex lays a good sized egg for one so small - 50 grams. Eggs are an off white colour, sometimes with reddish speckles. She is a lovely looking bird, white with a black collar and tail.

Bubbles is a Buff Plymouth Rock. Her feathers are the colour of caramel, soooo soft and fluffy. She has only just started laying so eggs are tiny at 25 grams and are light brown and shiny.

Buttercup is a Partridge Wyandotte. She is slighly smaller than the other two, (younger I think although breeder told me she was the same ages as Bubbles). Can't tell you about the eggs as she hasn't started to lay. Her feathers are dark brown and tips are black. Buttercup is very friendly and can do a 6 foot vertical take off.

All three are mostly quiet except when I go out with treats, then Buttercup honks like a goose but not very loud.


I must get my act together and learn how to post pics.









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