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Virus causing liver tumours?

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We lost 2 of our big girls last week, the vet thinks that it was due to liver tumours, as their abdomens were very fluidy. As we lost 2 in 2 days, he said to keep an eye on the others as there is a virus that causes tumours in their livers and that poultry farmers vaccinate against it, but on a small scale like me, it's not worth it.


Has anyone else heard of this?


I've kept a close eye on the girls, and now it looks like Toast and Beyonce may be coming down with something, Toast took herself to bed this evening early, so I managed to get hold of her, and again her abdomen feels all fluidy. Beyonce I couldn't catch which is a good sign but whenever she thinks I'm not looking she'd huddled in the corner of the run.


We've got 7 hybrids in one run (all 3+ years now), 4 pekins next door (2+ years) in another run, and 2 little chicks at the moment, so I want to do whatever I can to stop this spreading if it is said virus.


Any advice appreciated,





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Sounds more like peritonitis to me. Did he do a pm to diagnose a liver tumour? Most fluid filled abdomen's in chickens are caused by peritonitis. If you search the Chicken Clinic post over the last fortnight alone you will see the huge number of people who have had hens succumb to this.

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There are a couple of viruses in poultry that can cause liver tumours, Marek's is one of these; it is usually fatal, but survivors of a mild does will have lesions and tumours which will eventually kill them. Sterile peritonitis is one of the symptoms of liver leukosis; it's a one way street treatment-wise I'm afraid and it's kinder to have the affected hens despatched.


One of my hens (a few years back) had this, luckily my vet is one of the country's leading poultry experts, so I learned all about it from him; the PM was very interesting.

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Thanks Claret, I think that is what my vet is saying, liver tumours, that result in peritonitus - so not good news for the girls.


I've lost a lot of ex-batts this way in the past, but to have 4 either sadly passed away or almost there is not good and a bit worrying for the rest of my flock.


I'm hoping it's just old age, and liver tumours caused by their age rather than a virus, to protect the other girls.

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