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My lovely 22 week black rocks haven't laid yet but the breeder said they should start this week (I got them last Saturday). This morning Ern went back into the eglu after getting up and sat in the nesting box for 25 minutes. I was so excited I missed the bus to work - only to find that after 25 minutes she got up and went back out with the others - no eggs!!! Is this normal and is it an indication that she'll start laying soon? Tufty :?::P

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Perfectly normal Tufty. As with all the good intentions of your breeder telling when your girsl would lay...they aren't that predictable! We waited around 4 weeks over the predicted date :roll: Saying that though, nest sitting is a good sign....could be any day now. Fingers crossed.


You'll see their combs and ears get brighter as they come into lay and they'll drink more water.


Eggciting times though! Good luck :D

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