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If you didn't know about any covenants until recently, it is unlikely that your neighbours will either.


I ordered my eglu first, then panic mode set in. I nipped round to the neighbours to say I had chickens on order arriving soon (fait acompli), they were fine. My deeds said no dog kennel businesses.....didn't mention chickens. But if they neighbours complain in future, I will suggest I am willing to get rid of the chickens but might buy 3 or 4 pitbull terriers or alsatians (sorry to those of you who have got them, no offence, but you know what I mean). The I emailed the council, using an anonymous hotmail account, to say I wanted to keep 2/3 backgarden chickens as pets and were there any local bylaws. I got 2 replies from the council, one saying no problem at all and one saying I needed planning permission but only in respect of big sheds/housing etc.....

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Just found out it is called a "restrictive covenant" and it can be enforced by someone with "a landed interest". In this case this could be a neighbour who is affected by a breach of any particular covenant, or the person who sold the land used to build your house on. In the case of new developments this might also include the developer - who clearly has a vested interest in the area looking neat and tidy while they are still trying to sell houses in the area or in an area which still has development land.


Probably best not to tell the neighbours right now :wink:


I believe that Charlottchicken has got it right. Restrictive Covenants (or Clauses) can only be invoked by persons 'having an interest' and that primarily relates to those persons holding or inheriting the rights. It is - or was, necessary to apply to the Lands Tribunal to have these modified or set aside. On payment to them of a fee, of course!

Before we got our Eglu I decided to check our deeds and discovered that we have a right to drive horses and sheep down the road without 'let or hindrance'. That could be interesting as we are in the midst of an urban area. :D

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