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moved the Eglu. . .confused chickens?

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Today, I did a big clean and moved the Eglu to the other side of the yard. The girls at this point free range all over the back yard and I had seen them in the 'Lu after I had moved it. However when I went to shut up the run, Rosemary was roosting on the patio table and Clarisse was on top of the 6 foot fence!!

I'm assuming the Eglu move confused them. But my biggest concern is that Clarisse made it to the top of the fence! They had never even attempted that (as far as I know. . .).


I guess tomorrow I will be pulling out the instructions to clip wings.


Should I move the 'Lu back or do you think they'll get it tomorrow? I was hoping I wouldn't have to clip their wings as they have never shown much interest in getting higher than the top of the Eglu run. . .

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I think that hens use satellite navigation rather than their eyes.


When I used to move the Eglu around the grass (everyone does it for a week before the awful truth dawns on them), I once swung it by 180 degrees. The hens went to the Eglu end and kept pecking the door for food. I relented and swung it around so that the sun was in the "right" place.

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I found that by the time my hens had regrown their flight feathers, they had forgotten that they ever could fly (or had just lost the technique).


They get much less flighty as they grow older anyway, although I imagine ones that are out most of the time do fly more.

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Mine all have clipped wings, but so far have seemed content to look from the fence. It worries me senseless whenever I see them up on the fence though - I go charging out and chase them down and put them back in the run. We have no other gardens adjoining ours - only footpaths - and I am sure there are foxes on the path by the stream. They dislike being put back in the run and are going up on the fence less.



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