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We have had our chickens for two weeks now - I think they are about 18 weeks old according to the chap who delivered them. No eggs yet, but Holly started squatting today and let me stroke her so I guess it won't be long.


We are starting to let them free range in our garden, which is about a third of an acre with lots of borders and shrubs for them to explore. I am wondering if they will start laying all over the place and we will have to spend most of our time hunting under bushes :)


I have read that they tend to lay in the morning so if we keep them in the run until 9am or 10am before letting them roam, would that encourage them to lay in the nesting box? Can anyone let me know if their chickens have any fairly set times for laying?

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I let mine out of the run at 9am. They seem to always go back to the nest, though I'm not convinced the new ones will. :shock: I'm just got my fingers crossed they don't lay under the conservatory. :roll:


My garden is not as big as yours so it might be an idea to check under bushes just incase. :D


As for laying times I have no idea. Mine seem to lay from anytime from 5am-1am and it always seems to take about an 30-60 minutes. So if you loose one she's probably laying. :roll:


I'm sure others will help you.

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I'm afraid my girls are not consistant at all :roll: over a period of about 2 weeks they go from laying at about 8am gradually getting a bit later as the days go on and then they are laying up to about 3pm ( usually followed by a day off).


I put a rubber egg in the nest for a couple of weeks (whether it helped or not I dont know) but my girls seemed to know where to lay - the nesting box is ideally dark and quiet for them.

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We kept a rubber egg in the nest box for a couple of weeks after they started laying, kept picking it up thinking it was a real one :oops:


Mine have only ever laid in the nest box, although i have had the occasional egg in the run when both nest boxes have been full of chickens and one can't wait.


It must be like queueing for the loo when you're desperate, typical women :D

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