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Quiet Breeds

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Hi Lynn!


Hmm most of my chooks are generally quiet although occasionally a couple of them can be noisy.


This is usually when someone else is in the nest and they want to go in. :shock:


I think each chicken is just very much like a human with their own characteristics and personalities.


I'm not aware of such a thing as a "quiet" breed...

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Pekin bantams are definitely noisier than hybrids - but they compensate for it as they are gorgeous.


The only breed I know that are known to be really quiet and placid are the Orpintons - bantams or the big breed.


If you look in the chicken breeds section on this website and trawl throught it there are bound to be some on there.

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Ruby a Rhode Island Red and Bubbles a Plymouth Rock are both quiet :D



Pepsi a Pekin screeches like a Banshee for 2 hours before she lays and half an hour afterwards, also frequently in between times. Luckily she goes broody at a drop of a hat so we get 3 to 4 weeks of silence except when I boot her off the nestbox :lol:


Buttercup a Wyandotte honks like a Goose, but it not noisy just amusing :lol:

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We had problems with noisy chickens too, I think it was because we had spoilt them. :oops: . They got used to us going to them each time they called, and of course, they learnt to call as soon as they woke, to get us to go and feed them and give them some treats. My bad :?. In the summer, they were waking very early and being very loud - so we learnt that they need to know who is boss; :roll: otherwise they will assume that they own that role. It's long road back from there :?

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Ruby a Rhode Island Red and Bubbles a Plymouth Rock are both quiet :D



Pepsi a Pekin screeches like a Banshee for 2 hours before she lays and half an hour afterwards, also frequently in between times. Luckily she goes broody at a drop of a hat so we get 3 to 4 weeks of silence except when I boot her off the nestbox :lol:


Buttercup a Wyandotte honks like a Goose, but it not noisy just amusing :lol:

My RIR is the loudest hen on earth


my Welsummer yaps like a small dog, or goes WAAAA boc boc boc....for ages.

The hybrids have been relatively quiet. Abbie was noisy in the box when we bought her :idea:

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Mine were relatively quite until recently. Now all 4 "bawk" loudly if a cat comes in the garden and don't stop until I go out and investigate.


We keep our eglu door open at night with the run closed and found this worked well for us. But once a week for the last 3 weeks running, we had 4am instances of the girls bawking loudly (loud enough to wake me up) at cats and at a bird in the garden. Hubbie thought the neighbours would start complaining so I have now reverted to shutting their eglu door at night and opening again in the morning. It's a real pain but I can't let them get into the habit of this night time racket as a pattern seemed to be developing. I will need to monitor this one. So far, no noise at night when they are shut inside the eglu...fingers crossed.

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