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new chook?

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Hi all


I've been offered a chook who appeared at a friends house a couple of weeks ago. The hen has been living in one of their large barns, they don't know where she came from, and she follows the chap around all day. All I know is that she is a large chook, she does lay eggs, dark in colour with a reddish breast.


I'm tempted to take her but I'm worried about upsetting the lovely calm and peacefull life of my girls. My girls are 11/2 years old, they live in an eglu inside of a large walk-in run approx. 10 x 5. I would dearly love to have this new chook as I would like to have around 5 girls, I've been reading the other messages on the forum about introducing new girls, and I'm concerned for the new girls safty and I don't upset the other two. What would you do?......I'm planning on getting a cube, but it wouldn't be here in time as the girl would be coming on Friday. I do have the orignal run with extention and a small shed that I could attapt for the introduction stages...........any advice most welcome



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If you want to, just do it Debbie! Be brave.


This poor hen deserves a good and loving home as it sounds as if she has survived against the odds.


I know what you mean about upsetting the balance because I have felt like that too. As you have the equipment though, you will be able to manage the integration successfully.


Good luck and let us know what you decide!

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Totally agree Ginette.


chances are she will integrate nicely and you'll be so pleased you made the decision. You got the extra equipment to introduce her slowly, so I say be brave and go for it. she'll love the compnay of other hen folk and you get to have more eggs!


What more could be better!!

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Thanks ever so much for the advise, well what do you know.....I've bought a new drinker and feeder to put in the run and extension, a new plastic bed for the little shed so I can put shaving in it for her bedding. I'm picking her up Friday tea-time. :D:D


I'm going to put her run next to the girls run so they can see each other, I'll keep her in there for a few days so she can settle, then I'll try and free range her with the others. I think I'll go steady with the intergration if I can, but it will be lovely if they all can get on. Once they get to know each other I'll trying letting her into main run with eglu and see what happens.


Poor love, she is all by herself and her only friend is a un-social cat. She rooms a field during the day by herself so it would be good for her to have new friends. Fingers crossed I'm going for it.



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Hi all


Update..........New girl has arrived, :D I picked her up yesterday tea-time. She is a big girl, I've done a bit of resarch on the internet and have found a match for her, she is a black Rock. She is friendly and is in pretty good nick seeing as she was living rough. She has got greasey oil on her comb and wattles due to roaming around this machanic's garage, so they look black rather then red.


She layed an egg ths morning, and is settling down quite nicely. It was very vocial yasterday and this morning, with my number one chook screaming at her and she back. I let my two out in the evening and they took no noitce at first then Tuppence was over giving her what for through the run mesh. I put my girls swiftly back in their own home.


All is well at the moment, my idea is to let mine roan in the garden for an hour or so each day for about 5 days with me keeping a constance eye on them. I won't let the new girl out until she is more familar with her new surroundinds.


Could any of you offer some extra advice ? I'm playing it by ear as I never intergraded a new Chook before. Do you think it would be good idea to pop her down to the vets for a look over, she will need a wing clipping and they could check for lice and mites.


How should I try a get this oil off her face?


Any advice please it would be most welcome.

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