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straw on the floor?

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I shall be going away for 2 weeks in October and I will be moving the Eglu [not run ] into what will be my old cattery sheds to make it easy for the lady who is going to take care of them for me . I have been given a large bale of straw which I am thinking of putting out on the floor of the run to let them have something to scratch about in. Will this be Ok? They are not going tobe able to free range while I am away but there is plenty space for them to roam around in the old pens.

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I have been frowned upon in the past for using bales of straw as they can contain parasites. This may be pet shop propaganda but I do recall that I've read that pet shop straw is guaranteed parasite free.


I am heading off to the garden centre this afternoon for a sack of bark chips. Having left the chicks on the lawn last week while a neighbour kept an eye on food and drink, the lawn will take a week or two to recover.

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