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My sister is expecting!!!!!!

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3 bantam eggs to hatch in 16 days time!

She put them in the incubator last weekend and candled them this morning & they are definitely developing!

The lady she had the eggs off said they are likely to be a right Heinz Variety as she does have alsorts. Marans, Sussex, Pekins, Partridge Bantams, Pekins, Rhose Island Reds, Frizzles, Silkies, Wyandottes etc etc.


I wonder what colours she will get?


She is also going chookie shopping tomorrow for her hens - not sure where from - some rare breeds place that a friend of hers knows of???

So I will pop round to her house tomorrow night & take photos to pop onto the forum. She hasn't got a computer, so I'll do the photos on here for her.


It's all go!



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Just an update! Yesterday at 1 o'clock in the morning, one of my sister's little bantam eggs hatched & the tiniest black baby bantam came into the world. However it was extremely sleepy!

She has cared for it & it was put in the brooder, but it sadly died earlier today. She is very upset. Her gut feeling, was to then check the other eggs. So she cracked them open to discover very under developed dead chicks. She is so sad & upset especially about the little black chick. SO she now has no bantam chicks as she only had those 3 in the incubator. I have rcommended her to go to the Wernlas collection nr to Ludlow & some few days old chicks to take away the pain she feels.

Or to get a Mummy Hen with chicks that she has hatched. She will do something tomorrow.


So so sad. :cry:



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