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Behaviour question

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We got our 3 chooks 2 weeks ago. They had all been kept together so there were no squabbles when they moved into their new Eglu. Chicken Licken was I thought top chick as she always left the Eglu first.


Anyway over the last couple of days Henny Penny has taken to challenging the other 2 especially Chicken Licken. She struts up to them and stretches her neck and raises the feathers on the back of her head/neck. Chicken Licken then actually lunges at her with her feet. This morning HP and CL both dashed out of the Eglu at the same time.


I assume HP is challenging for top chick status. Is this a continually changing position then? As HP is the biggest I would have thought she'd have taken the roll initially. She is a few weeks older than the other 2.

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