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Chickens not laying

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Hiya (again) We have had our chickens for about 4/5 weeks now. Everyone layed on the first and second day of having them (apart from Magic) They where 21 weeks when we got them. We are getting a bit worried about Spice and Lacey though. They havent layed for about 2 and a half weeks. Lacey had worms so i can understand her not laying but that was almost 2 weeks ago and Spice layed about 6 eggs (at the begining) and suddenly stopped. They are both 26 weeks now. There has been a few soft shelled eggs in the poo trays which where layed by Lacey (as sad as it is, we look through the egg port and look where everyone is sitting so we know who layed it) We mix grit in there food and scatter some in the run aswell. I dont know if we are giving them too many treats (we give them about 3 treats throughout the day) which are usually sweetcorn spinich and veg.

They are happy in them selves and eating and drinking and running around quite happily.

can anyone advise us on what to do?


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as well as grit - which helps them grind up their food, they need oyster shell which gives them calcium - to help them towards strong shells - alternatively you can slow bake their own egg shells, crush them up and give them to them.


if they are only just beginning to lay it will take a time for them to settle into a laying routine.


if they have had a fright this can affect their laying - although often it is only for a day or two - thunder, loud noises etc.


its probably a good idea to cut right back on their treats to make sure they fill up on layers pellets - perhaps just give them a few at the end of the day so that they have had the full day to eat the layers pellets.

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Hiya, thank you both for replying, very much appreciated! :D We still have no eggs off Lacey and Spice :x We are not interested about the amout of eggs we get, just a bit concerned about them getting egg bound or not being well. :(

They are not moulting because they are only 26 weeks and dont moult untill their second year. Plus they are not loosing feathers. They have had no frights only Mischeif, when she escapped and i had to quickly grab her (she hates being stroked or picked up)

We give them mixed poultry grit which i assume had oyster shell in it as you can see bits of shell in it. We tried them with baked egg shells today and they didnt really seem fussed.

We really do need to cut down on treats, as much as i hate to admit it. They have porridge for lunch (12:30) which has raisons, grit and corn in it (and the porridge is made with hot water, not milk) Then for their afternoon snack (3:00) they have corn or spinich and for there bedtime supper (7:00) they have cooked aspargus brocoli (sp?) sweetcorn, sprouts and the occasional boild spud. :oops: Now that i have seen it all writen down i see that we are giving them too much. But i dont see how the others are laying like little troopers and just Lacey and Spice arne't. Any suggestions?



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