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BHWT - Adoption of ex battery hens

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Thanks to all of you who intend to or have adopted ex battery hens from BHWT . These girls are a bit special and close to our hearts here on the Omlet forum. :D


Did you Know?


When you adopt hens from BHWT and purchase a new Eglu or Cube to house them Omlet donate £15 to BHWT. So if you intend to adopt or have adopted and purchased a new Eglu or Cube please contact:


johannes@omlet.co.uk and lisa.pope@bhwt.org.uk



You can also attend my hen party with all proceeds to BHWT. Want to hug an ex battery hen and find out all about adoption and the care they need? I now have my 3 new girls, Poppy, Tulip and Mollie. Adopted from Coventry coordinators Ian and Molly! I also have rare breeds and bantams.


Check out the courses section of the Omlet website for more on this and the BHWT website for more about the adoption process (please contact coordinators at a reasonable time of day as they are all volunteers)


Clicky of all BHWT rehoming points and contacts


BHWT Provisional Hen Collection Dates


Donations are always most welcome and appreciated!


Rehoming practice:


BHWT have a stringent rehoming practice and your rescue coordinator

will take you through a series of questions and advise you on the

needs of your ex batts. All of us at BHWT put the needs of our girls

first and rescue coordinators spend a great deal of time, as

volunteers, making quite sure the hens are rehomed as much loved pets,

safe and secure, for their retirement. We would never let hens go as meat birds or to be 'just' egg machines.


You'll be asked if you've had ex batts before and then taken through

their needs and collection requirements, well ventilated boxes, cat

boxes etc. Accommodation requirements, food and water, regaining their

fitness, hot and cold weather, introductions to hens and cockerels and

keeping them safe from predators, like Mr Fox!


Sorry but you can only book hens for yourself and not for family or

friends. They of course can book their own lovely girls!


Be patient and you'll soon be enjoying your own ex batts, they can hardly wait to retire with you!


Thank you :D:D:D



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Update April 08


Hi Everyone


Just wanted to thank all our re-homers, on waiting lists around the UK, for their patience and continued support of BHWT. It’s really appreciated and I’ve spoken to Jane, our founder, and we agreed it would be worthwhile me updating you.


It’s tempting, I know, to get ex batts from sources other than BHWT but when you choose our ex batts you support our ongoing work, the big picture of change in British egg production. You can also be sure of our positive 'pro British farmers' approach.


As for the wait, well you’ll all be aware of wheat price hikes and these have meant farmers have kept their birds longer and we also have to work to slaughter dates, which can and do change.This year we’ve re-homed over 13,000 ex batts, more than ever before, thanks to people like you.


Some of you may fancy sourcing your own, to speed up the process, but I’d really like to encourage you to pass any details to BHWT rather than approach a farm yourself, via email info@bhwt.org.uk or PM me please. We’ll do the rest, increasing the chance of hundreds if not thousands of girls getting a free range retirement as we're well practiced at building relationships with farms, that can sometimes take months.


Thanks again for your patience and support


Buffie x

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