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Do cockerels always roost outside the coop? I have a 19 week Pekin bantam male who until recently has been spending the night inside  a broody coop with his surrogate mum & sisters. Since “mum” took them all out of the broody coop into the main coop he has taken to spending all night on top of the Eglu cube - at first we thought he was being chased out by the older hens but now I’m not sure. I’m worried as the nights get colder he’ll freeze to death. Is there anything I can do to get him to go inside? Thanks in advance. 

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He’ll be fine outside, there are enough chickens that roost outside all year. Unless you have very low temps, he can roost outside, provided the run is predator proof. But cockerels do also roost in the coop.

Are you absolutely sure he isn’t bullied out? Have you checked the coop for lice and mites? Is there enough space in the coop for all chickens?

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My three bantams roost outside in their secure run all year round.  They feel safer on a high perch.  If you are confident in the security of your run, there is nothing to worry about in terms of his health.  My one concern is that he will be much noisier if he wakes in the run.  So hope your neighbours are happy with that. 

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