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"We do not buy at this door " cold caller stickers

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I'm here :D


Thanks for taking my place Mel. I suppose that he's got to have someone to bait when I'm not around. :roll:


I've been reading this and trying SO HARD not to laugh out loud. It really has got me giggling.


Now GRAHAM, hold your hand out


You're a naughty boy talking to the nice ladies like that. Now apologise to Kate and Mel, let them be whatever chooks they like (I'll be what's left).


Now let's all be friends or I'll have to make you all sit in seperate corners! :twisted:


grd - you wouldn't have said that about Mel if you'd met her on Saturday - she's as feisty as me, or perhaps even more so...


LIVE IN FEAR! :wink:

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Come on now Mel, calm thoughts.... You're sat on a hill side, a gentle breeze is blowing, the wind is making patterns in the grass as it moves across the fields. Far off, a dog barks and there is the distant sound of a stream strickling towards a valley. The sun beams down on you. You feel warm, at peace with yourself and in tune with the environment around you. You are at one with nature.


Better? :wink:

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I'm sat on a hill side, a gentle breeze is blowing, the wind is making patterns in the grass as it moves across the fields. Far off, a dog barks and there is the distant sound of a stream strickling towards a valley. The sun beams down on me. I feel warm, at peace with myself and in tune with the environment around me. I am at one with nature. Then, without warning some idiot starts wittering on about woodpeckers, turtles, breast milk and chicken eggs :evil::roll::wink:

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