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Where have people positioned there foxwatch?


Mines just run out battery again in the space of a week. The run is in a corner of the garden (haven't got power to the end of the garden yet) and so I've positioned it so that its side on to the run but obviously the girls are setting it off during the day.


Do others have it overlooking their runs?

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Mine is plugged in but still have it in an area not usually roamed by the chooks. The idea of foxwatch is that it is only triggered by the fox and not on almost permanently. The idea is the fox triggers it and learns the noise discomfort stops if he doesn't roam in a particular area.


Does that make sense :think:

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I put mine behind the Eglus, with the back towards their back, as it were - this way the girls don't set it off, and I believe this is the most likely route for the fox to take (my Eglus are slap in the middle of the lawn at the moment). I do move it every so often, in case he changes his route, but always have it facing away from the Eglus so that anything coming towards them will trigger it, but not the girls themselves. I've only changed the batteries once since September.


Maybe a mains adaptor would be worthwhile in your case?

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that's unfortunate, because my cat is absolutely not bothered by the Foxwatch - he was in the kitchen when I unpacked it, and turned it on, and he did not blink. I understood that it was set at a frequency that cats don't hear, but I guess every cat is different.

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