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Making feeding more interesting

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For the last week our chickens have been free ranging all day. My girlfriend has suggested removing the feeder from the run and scattering the pellets around the floor of their favorite areas in the garden. Forgetting the vermin issue is this a good idea?


We raised the Glug and placed an upturned flower pot they would need to stand on but they just stretched their necks to drink so we have raised the Glug even further. It rained last night so they have been drinking from the edges of the flowerpot. Fingers crossed it will dry up and we'll get a chicken up on the pot.

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the pellets might get a bit wet which might make them sour. Do they seem to be eating them? If so, and like you say "forgetting the vermin issue" (which I couldn't :shock: ) then yes, it will keep them busy! :D

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You could always try feeding them layers mash.


When i got my 3 new girls, the breeder had raised them on mash not pellets and so I bought a large sack home with me. The old girls love it and spend literally hours feeding, compared to a few minutes each day.


A word of warning though, it is messy!!

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When mine freerange, they pop back occasionally for pellets but seem to enjoy scratching about and eating whatever they find. If it's in the afternoon, I chuck a good handful of corn round the garden and they love pecking it up. (You shouldn't give them corn too early in the day or they won't eat a sufficient amount of pellets.)

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I've only ever fed my girls mash, I didn't even realise that you could get pellets when I first got chickens.


They seem to love it.


Even when out free ranging all day they regularly pop back for mash.


It is messy though, but if they like it then I'm happy.



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They have to eat more mash to fill up as it is smaller than pellets. This keeps them occupied for longer. The texture is like small chunks of ground wheat/corn etc.


The mash is produced first, then moulded into pellets. It takes more 'beakfuls' to fill them up.


The breeder I got them from said that a chicken can fill up on pellets in about 20 mins, whereas the same amount of mash would take them a couple of hours.


I love how my girls seem to spend more time feeding, but the mess is driving me mad. :roll::roll:

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