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Chick & Duck

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Hello everyone! I have been quietly reading your forums for a while now and it has inspired me to go ahead and finally get an eglu.


The only problem I have is whether to go down the route of chickens, ducks or can I keep both together?


Personally I would like to have one/two of each but I am not sure ducks would do with the roosting bars in the eglu, whether disease is an issue or space for each species?


Has anyone ever kept ducks and chickens together in the same eglu, what was your experience?


Take care.

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I know someone who has ducks and chickens, but her ducks prefer to sleep outside. She bought them a house but they never use it, they get on fine so I dont see having both would be a problem, but if your wanting them to both sleep in the same house, then I dont know. Im sure someone will be along of more help soon.

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i think feemcg has ducks and chickens that roost together? Jem also keeps chickens and ducks together during the day.


I'm sure they'll pop along to give you some advice :D

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Here I am :lol: . I have 2 ducks that are in the run with the chickens and they all get on fine. I had given them a pet carrier with straw to sleep in at first but they decided to sleep in one of the eglus with the 2 youngest chickens and didn't seem to mind the bars. They do stink though (their poo smells like fish!) and they tended to plaster the back of the eglu as they poo out rather than down (if you know what I mean :roll: ).

Now the big chicks (now 20 weeks) have decided to go and sleep with the big girls and the ducks sleep on the run floor (and leave a big pile of poo in the corner where they sleep!).

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:D .........I have a khaki campbell who lives with my derbyshire redcap and my cockerel, they all get on fine together and roost well at night.They hang around in a gang with my other chickens when they free range during the day.Some say ducks are,nt as affectionate as chickens , but ours is lovely, the more you handle them the tamer they are :D .
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