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Dust baths

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Just let my chickens out into the garden, and they have dug a hole 3 chickens wide in a flower bed, and 2 of them are lying in it while Molly the boss kicks soil all over them!


Its my first experience of a dust bath- not quite tempted to join in!- but so great to watch them acting out their natural instincts in this way- quite brilliant.


They look like they are really enjoying themselves.


I know this will be nothing new to most of you, but its a first for me (oh and I got my second egg today too!)


One very contented chicken owner...

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i thought ours were having a stroke when i first saw them dust bathe! :shock:


Maud was with me again today while I cleaned out the coop, having a little dust bath in the clean aubiose, hilarious :lol:

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i thought ours were having a stroke when i first saw them dust bathe!


I thought the same!


They are lovely though when they're having a dust bath. They enjoy it so much that they won't even come out of it for treats! They also sometimes make a purring type noise when they are very happy.

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i thought ours were having a stroke when i first saw them dust bathe! :shock:


Me too. Now, the outside edge of my garden, where all the taller bushes are,

is pitted with dust bathing holes! Perhaps there are different ones for different days of the week. Anyhow, I spend hours watching them. Chickens are such time wasters!

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Snowy- those pics are great!


they have really made me chuckle cos its just what mine were doing at lunchtime- I know it sounds a bit daft but I'd been reading on here about dust baths thinking hmmmm do I need to provide one?? but of course the chickens know what they're doing....


when the children came home I showed them the crater in the earth where they had been- they thought it was hilarious!


My job for this weekend (apart from sourcing clear shower curtains lol) is putting my pics on here so wait with baited breath!!

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