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Wild birds

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We are very keen on getting an Eglu and chickens but have one question!


I have a wild bird cafe in my back garden, this morning whilst eating breakfast we watched 2 collared doves, a few wood pidgeons, lots of sparrows & a robin eat theirs! We'd like to know if it is ok to still feed wild birds and encourage them into the garden or would it put the health of the chickens at risk?

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Hello and welcome to the forum. :lol:


My birds free range in a garden with numerous visiting wild birds.


The only precautions I take are to keep the hens under cover if there is a bird flu panic on....until I'm sure the coast is clear so to speak, and to worm the chickens every three months to be on the safe side.


Go ahead and order your Eglu and chickens.....you will get such pleasure from them. :lol:

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My chickens free range all day and I still encourage wild birds into my garden, I have a bird table and 2 other feeding stations so I get plenty of birds visiting at various times of the day. The sparrows & robin have even taken a liking to the layers mash and my hens clear up the seed that drops out of the feeders......so everyone's happy!

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My girls freerange and we have masses of wild birds in the garden. I think we get more now than we did before the chickens. I sometimes wonder if seeing the chickens out makes the wild birds feel safer. Do go ahead and get your chickens - I'm sure you won't regret it.

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My chooks sit under the bird feeder and wait for the sparrows to drop food. I have blue tits, a robin who nests in the shed, song thrushes, the occasional goldfinches, starlings, blackbirds, wood pigeons, collared doves etc. The chookies do sometimes chase off the house sparrows but they always reappear. If the girls are in their run the baby birds seem to take pleasure in flying close to tease them. The robin and blackbirds have been known to go into the run on the scrounge.

As egluntine says I too worm regularly and also use louse powder to make sure the chookies are clear of parasites.


Go for it - the 2 are definitely not mutually exclusive and you will get the best eggs in the world

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Thank you all for your help & advice, you've convinced me! I ordered my Eglu today & will take delivery of it and the chickens on Thursday 28th February, we can't wait and already thinking of names although we won't decide for sure until we meet them & know which names suit them.


I know that the eggs will be great, I don't buy eggs from the supermarket anyway I get them from my mum's friend who keeps chickens, but mine currently travel some 50miles to my house so to get them from my own hens in my own back garden will be wonderful.

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