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Terratorial Chicken

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Milly took exception to a wood pigeon helping itself to corn alongside the girls. We were watching thinking how sweet they all looked tohether and then Milly went after it, leaving it trying to escape minus a few feathers. She looked very pleased with herself, but we were a bit surprised!!!

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Mine hate our resident blckbird. Sporty Spice in particular chases it whenever she gets the chance. Mind you, it does wind her up by hoping along the edge of the run when they are not allowed out.


And pulling long juicy worms out of the ground while they are looking and are locked in where they can't get them. :lol:

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Mine hate our resident blckbird. Sporty Spice in particular chases it whenever she gets the chance. Mind you, it does wind her up by hoping along the edge of the run when they are not allowed out.


And pulling long juicy worms out of the ground while they are looking and are locked in where they can't get them. :lol:



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