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Kates pasta recipe - I have used the search engine !

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Hi Kate


I have trawled the recipes sticky and gave up after quite a few pages.

- Couldn't do all 24+


Used search engine - got pastas - but still can't find it so many pages to look at!


Mainly pasta problems, chickens and pasta feeding, and off topics


Lovely reading but I really desperately wanted Kate's fool proof one, I am sure it was on here that I saw the recipe many moons ago


Would it be at all possible to have a sticky with just the wonderful recipes that everyone recommends and move the comments?


(Here is where I get booed off the forum I guess)


I do love the comments - I make them myself - but sometimes you just need a quick fix don't you?


Pasta is off the menu for today in our house - I just fancied having a go as it is all snow outside :roll:

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Hi Kooringa!!


This is the pasta recipe I always use with my pasta machine and it never fails.


8oz pasta flour (00 grade - I love Doves Farm!)

2 eggs


I make mine in a big bowl - far less messy than on a table or pastry board. Sift the flour into the bowl and make a well in the centre. Break in the two eggs and using your fingers, gradually form into a soft dough. Knead the dough in the bowl for 5 minutes until smooth and elastic then wrap in clingfilm or a plastic bag and leave for 15 minutes. If you have a pasta machine, cut the dough into four pieces and process through the rollers until it's reached the desired thickness then use the cutter attachment or use as lasagne sheets. If used fresh, the pasta takes around 3-4 minutes to cook in boiling salted water.



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You are one in a million


Your are such a super duper star - and it must have caused you lots of trouble but I thank you so very much


My hands are frozen and my fingers won't work so this is a bit of a stuggle - man came in the snow as it was snowing with all my machinery for up the allotment and I have had to go up there with him.


I know how Scott of the Antartic felt - well a bit of a hyberbole - but it is freezing and I will be tingling when all my extremities thaw out.


Put my chooks in their covered eglu run as no way am I going to go back out there again.


Even with a corn bribe they complained bitterly but it is 4pm so hardly punishment



Once again Kate thank you so very very much

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