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growing for this year!

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Hi everyone! I've got some seeds for growing - brocolli, french beans, cherry tomatoes, aubergine, snap dragons & various other flowers. As I'm away from next Friday, will these all be ok to start off in seed trays when I come back or am I already too late? I like to grow things in pots & tubs, so I can move them out of the way of the girls when they free range. They have taken a liking to my mini irises & tulips!!! :evil: Any other ideas for easy growing - nice crops?



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Away for how long? This is a good time to sow tomatoes and aubergines if you can give them warmth and light, but March would be fine. It's a bit early for French beans - they are usually sown in April. Can't advise on the flowers, I'm afraid.


Things in pots: baby carrots, salad leaves, spring onions, new potatoes?

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yes - I have a greenhouse. I also have an electric germinator unit.

We are away for 15 and a half nights in total, so watering & keeping them moist would be a problem....any tips?


I've also got some amaryllis bulbs, that have grown tall - all leaves, no stalk or flowers - blind I think...should I throw them?



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