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My first veg/fruit box!

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I'm so excited :D . My first ever organic (and bio-dynamic) veg and fruit box has been delivered from ~ East Coast Organics ~ :D .


£15 for:


3 1/2 lb spuds

1 1/2 lb carrots

1 lb leeks

1 lb onions

1/2 head of broccoli

1/2 lb curly kale

1/2 lb mushrooms

1 lb tomatoes

2 courgettes

1 red pepper

1 avocado

1 1/2 lb apples

3 oranges

3 satsumas

3 pears

2 kiwis

5 bananas


I'm assuming that's pretty good value :? . Might do an "online shop" just to check.


It's great - all the carrots and potatoes are covered in mud and odd shapes, one of the leeks is titchy and the apples are all different sizes. They look like real fruit and vegetables 8) .


Sorry, I'm just so excited :lol: .

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The thing that worries me about Organic veg boxes is the fact they are Organic yet certain ingredients for the box are imported from all over the world. The boxes are marketed as ethical and environmentally friendly, you can compost the box etc. But what about all those air miles shipping in the avocados and bannanas?

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I think it is good value. I think the idea with the things like bananas etc is that they tend to be fair trade organic. Though it has to be said ours arent in our regular box so if you dont want the air miles you dont have to buy them. We add them as extra as theyre great for babies. Hopefully they will have done less road miles though

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The thing that worries me about Organic veg boxes is the fact they are Organic yet certain ingredients for the box are imported from all over the world.


The one we get uses local (as in 10 a mile radius!) produce as much as possible, and only sources outside that when they can't get enough - usually around this time of year. That has to be a huge improvement on buying from the supermarket, where even locally-grown produce may have been taken to a national distribution centre before being delivered to a shop in Cambridge!


We don't bother with the mixed box including fruit, as the selection is limited (I only really like "sour" apples such as Granny Smith, and am not keen on oranges). Since not a lot of fruit is grown round here, apart from strawberries, we just look out for British produce in the supermarket - though if we didn't buy any fruit from overseas, it would be hard to get our 5-a-day at certain times of the year!

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