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Unusual crowing habits

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When mine was younger he crowed at any time day or night. I was a bit worried what the neighbours thought when I heard him "going for it" at 2 am but thankfully as he has matured (he is now about a year old) the odd timed crowing has stopped. At the moment he starts at a very respectable 7 am. :D

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when we went to collect Bea on Sunday, Adele's cockerel started crowing when we arrived, it was about 1pm. They must do it as a warning so maybe he was disturbed by something? Perhaps something has started visitng your garden at that time of night; badger, fox, stoat, cat etc?

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Our neighbours (at the bottom of the garden) have a cockerel and he crows at pretty much any time of the day. Although I think he is a bit young yet because it is more of a strangled squeak than a cock a doodle doo :?


And men don't need to crow - they snore instead. That would frighten off any predator! :shock:

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