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Speckled Sussex never laid an egg

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Here's my story - we got an Eglu from Omlet three years ago and were very happy with George and Harry (Gingernut and Pepperpot). Sadly, Harry died about a year ago and we bought two new hens to keep George company. They are a Maran called Samantha and a beautiful Speckled Sussex called Vivian. We bought them last June when they were approx. 12 weeks and they are all now fine together. BUT Vivian has never laid an egg.


All three were on strike over Christmas - moulted, then got frightened by a nasty Jack Russell that took their tail feathers before I could catch the b***dy thing. But Sam and George are laying again now.


Should I give up expecting that Viv will ever lay? She's very lovely, but completely daft, "away with the fairies" as my mother would call it. Or is there something that I should do? Anybody else have a similar tale?


Many thanks,


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I hatched my Speckled Sussex on the 27th Feb last year and she is yet to lay an egg, although she has started crouching this week (maybe I will get an egg before she's a year old).


It's a bit strange though, that you have a non-laying Speckled Sussex too - I wonder if it's a breed thing :?

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