debbie26pet Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 i have 4 chickens at min, hoping to get 2 more very soon now in morning i will fill a pot noodle tub and put in feeder, then at about now they will have thee treat like bread in warm water, or veg or porridge etc. they had a couple kids handful of corn this afternoon. but im owrried they not eating enough layers? there is still some left in there tub only a skim of the bottom of feeder today from a full pot noodle tub, am i giving to much in treats, tonight sis 2 slices of bread soake din warm water they love it. what else can i give them? now the egg question my buff is about 25 weeks is red in face, (t does seem to be a brighter red since she came to us) and on her tiny thing on her head (comb?) they think who i got her from may had 1-2 eggs but cant be sure. is it to cold for eggs yet or will she start soon we have had now over a week. how do i know how red she will go in the face? my others are rhode reds now they got tinges red coming on the sides of face one in perticular grunts alot and does go inthe coop and lie around on the floor is tis a sign. can anyoen give me and signs to look out for so i know when they may come Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 it's best to restrict treats until just before bed time, so they fill up on their normal food. Definitely no treats first thing in the morning. Ours have just had an empty muller light pot full of dried meal worms between them, that's the only treat they've had all day. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
debbie26pet Posted February 18, 2008 Author Share Posted February 18, 2008 grt thanks, i give mine about 4.30 then they eat it then bed. am i best cutting/stopping the corn the kids give this afternoon? igave 2 slices of bread to 4 chickens is that ok or 2 much? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 grt thanks, i give mine about 4.30 then they eat it then bed. am i best cutting/stopping the corn the kids give this afternoon? igave 2 slices of bread to 4 chickens is that ok or 2 much? if it's only a very small amount of corn, I wouldn't worry too much but best not to do it every day. Best to stick to 1 treat per day. If you give them bread, make sure it's soaked in a little water first so it doesn't swell in their crops. I used to soak granary bread in a little warm water and mash up some banana in with it and add maybe a couple of chopped up grapes or some sultanas. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eyren Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 My lot go crazy for just a slice of stale homemade bread torn up and soaked in warm water - no need to add fruit! But they only get that once or twice a week - otherwise it's a small handful of cut maize or sunflower hearts, and pellets for the rest of the day. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 I would give them nothing but pellets until mid afternoon, so that the fill up on the optimum food for laying. A few treats before bed is fine. This weather they appreciate a bowl of porridge ow Weetabix mixed with water at bedtime. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eyren Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 Unfortunately, at this time of year they go to bed long before I get home from work, so they just get tiny treats after their morning stroll, then at the weekend they get a more substantial treat later in the day. Mind you, the weekend "treat" is often layers mash made into porridge with warm water, a bit of plain yogurt and some tuna, so it's hardly your typical fattening snack Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chelsea Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 mine have porridge scattered with raisins on really cold mornings (about 11ish) after breakfast at 7am. (fill up on pellets) Afternoons they love pecking on a broccoli I hang up in the run, they go mad for broccoli. Before bed at 5pm they have 1 small pot of organic mixed corn between 4 chooks scattered in the run - it gets them in the run really quick! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olly Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 Like Eyren, I only see mine in the mornings (although I reckon a few more days, and it will be light when i get home! ) so I poke some veg through the bars, as I like them to have some greens. Once it's light enough to let them out in the evening though, they will be on pellets all day and then get some leftovers as treats to get them back in the run. I don't give mine corn, or mealworms except as a bribe if they are being difficult - they just get veg peelings and s"Ooops, word censored!"s mostly. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...