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Martin B

The Egg Box Raffle!

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Hia, I've come up with an ideal way to make some money for the purchase of an eglu. I have managed to get my Mum to purchase 100 egg boxes for me, in which all will then be given an identity code on the outaide. All the identity codes are to do with chickens and Omlet. Then I will be selling the egg boxes (just like raffle tickets) to family and freinds, and my Mum will take some into work with her to try and sell to her coleagues! The boxes are priced £1 each, and their is no Maximum purchase. When all of the egg boxes are sold, all of the identity codes will go into a hat, and my Mum will draw out ONE unique identity code and the person whos box matches that code will have their box filled with eggs when I get my chooks! There will also be 2 runners up who can collect one egg from me when the chooks arrive and start laying.

If this idea succeeds I will have made £100 towards my eglu. Is that good or what, 'ey?

Kind Regards


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Great idea Martin. :D Where is the other £250 coming from? :wink:


Will someone PLEASE buy this young man an eglu!! :D


Martin - print this off and show it to your Mum. Maybe if we get some more postings of "yes, go on... buy him one", it will make a difference! :wink:

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Martin - just make sure you have more than just 2 chickens won't you?


I'd start with 4 or you're never going to fulfil your orders. :?


You are bringing your Mum when you come to visit us aren't you? - grd, don't panic, I'll work on his Mum :wink:

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Will someone PLEASE buy this young man an eglu!! :D




I think that Martin should be young entrepreneur of the year!

Rosie would be right behind you though - she's decided that she is Managing Director of The Egg Business (I'm just her assistant :roll: ), she collects and weighs all the eggs, decides whether we have enough to spare before we give them out and collects the boxes back before strictly rotating them to ensure that everyone has a fair bash at getting eggs.

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