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nest box

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have only had cube for couple of days now,and am now thinkin the time for emptying the poop trays and next box wiill soon be approaching. have not had chance to have good look yet at how its all put together but can the nest box be taken out to empty or not :?: if it cant i think straw or paper would be easier to empty than hemcore etc what do you think.

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Hi, no you can't take the nest box out, you just open the door, then I remove the back as well and slide the roof forward and pick it out with your hands. I also have to throw chickens out at regular intervals as they love to have a nose whilst you're trying to scrub it out! \i could shut the door on them but it makes me giggle so I let them help!


I put Aubiose or hemcore depending which supplier I've been to in the nest, if it's really cold I put straw on top but they poo in that a lot and makes the eggs messy, and I put the aubiose or hemcore in the poo trays too. Then I give the roosting bars a sprinkle of mite powder and give the whole thing a sprinkle of citronella - supposedly to keep the flies away but it makes it smell nice.

happy cleaning!


Mrs Bertie

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Aubiose or hemcore is by far the easiest thing to use in the nesting box & also in the poo tray.

It is really absorbant,so makes any poos dry & easy to get rid of.

In the nest box it is great beacause if you do get a bit of poo in there from when the hens roost,its easy to pick out & chuck into the poo tray.

A big bale cost about £7.50 & will last for ages as its quite compacted.


I don't bother with straw on top as it gets soggy & also its hollow & can harbour mites :?


What I do is pull out a dirty poo tray,pop it on top of the cube then scoop the old Aubiose out of the nest box,then tip the whole lot away. When I re fill that poo try I just add a few more handfuls for the nest box.

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