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Recommended size of walk in run?

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Hi Folks,


Well i have been browsing for a while now and realised how many of my questions you have already answered.

However having finally decided (after 3 years of thinking, and a bit of persuading the OH) that this is the year the chickens come to live at our house.

So the girls are ordered and arrive in May, and Im making difficult decisions like what colour cube?

I have a large walk in run originally built for the dog which i planned to put the cube in and the girls could be in that during the day and i would let them out into the garden in the evening, but now im wondering if it is big enough to allow 6 medium sized birds enough space.

Size wise it would fit 2 to 2.5 cubes in it.

What do you think, is it big enough? Should i extend it a little?

Any advice would be appreciated


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What size is the run, roughly? Do you mean you could fit 2 to 2.5 cubes including their runs in there, or just the cubes?


As a general rule, you should allow a minimum 1sq metre/yard per standard hen, so for six hens you need a 6ft x 9ft (2m x 3m) run, assuming your cube is on its wheely stand so they can scratch around underneath it. Does that sound about the size you have? If it's smaller than that, is there space to put the cube next to it and cut a hole for the pop-hole and ladder to connect the two (well secured to keep out Mr Fox)?

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Just the cubes minus their runs. From the sounds of your reply i need to extend it a bit.

Thanks for that it was really helpful


You're welcome - I've been looking at walk-in runs recently, so the topic was fresh in my mind! :)


Welcome to the forum, BTW!

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